Sunday, March 24, 2013

DIY: Destroyed Knit Sweater

This Shooting Star Lennon Sweater by Wildfox Couture was my inspiration for this how-to post!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

"Take My Picture" by GARAGE Magazine

A very interesting short documentary (10mins long) on the trend of street style and fashion blogging, "Take My Picture" from GARAGE magazine gives us an insight on the subject!
TAKE MY PICTURE from GARAGE Magazine on Vimeo.

Friday, March 22, 2013

A morning at the marina

We love: Free People Dark Rose collection

The Dark Rose collection is breathtaking, and we're loving every single piece. As you can tell, lace and chiffon are the dominant elements, welcoming spring in a darker, more dynamic way. Statement jewellery, leather and floral prints become tougher, without losing their feminine touch. 


Thursday, March 21, 2013

Diesel Store @ The Golden Hall

Last night we went to the Diesel Store @ Golden Hall event, where the new spring collection had just arrived. There was jazz music, great finger food, champagne. We saw some friends, we met some very interesting people, and we are giving you a taste. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A Big Thanks!

We want to thank Espresso Newspaper for their amazing article about The Velvet Closet!
You can also check out the online article here (it will probably be all Greek to you though).

In the tennis court

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Airport style

Since I spent a lot of time in the airport the last days I thought why not do a post about it!
We created three different styles that you can try when flying, one for every taste. All of them are comfortable and of course stylish. Check them out and pick the one that suits and fits you best! 

Don't forget to comment on which one you like!

Airport essentials:
-A huge bag 
-Sunglasses (so that you can sleep easily)
-A jacket or a scarf (something that can keep you warm on the plane)


Monday, March 4, 2013

Dress me!

Ok so since some of my friends were always like "Does this match with that?" or "When are you going to dress me?", and since we have all been up and had to deal with an overflowing wardrobe with countless clothes that just won't do, the idea of making the DRESS ME column came to life.

If you have a special day coming up, or if it's just one of those days with morning wardrobe issues, I am here to help!

Tell me about a look you want to create for a special occasion, party, first date, girls night out, dinner with his family, cinema or even for a sunday walk, coffee, university or anything else that comes to your head!